Funtivity on Zoom

Enabling your team within Zoom meetings through a wide range of activities.


If you haven't installed the Funtivity Zoom App already, feel free to Install it now on Zoom.

Welcome to Funtivity by Hermis.

Funtivity is an app for Zoom that allows the meeting participants to play activities like Trivia, Bingo, Escape Room, Scavenger Hunt and more. Funtivity has a plethora of activities & content for a wide variety of occasions including Team building, conference breakout sessions, cultural events and more. With more than a dozen different activities and meticulously crafted events for all occasions, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

Once the app is installed, navigate to the "Apps" section in your Zoom meetings app, and open Funtivity by Hermis. Browse the activities or pre-curated events, choose your favorite, and click “Start Event”. You can invite other meeting participants when you click on "Start Activity". For participants that join late, there's a persistent message in the Zoom chat that allows them to join Funtivity.

If you’re looking for something custom or a professionally hosted event, feel free to contact us!

How to add Funtivity in Zoom

  1. Be sure to enable “Zoom Apps” in your Zoom profile. This can be done by visiting, login to your account and navigate to My Account → Settings → Zoom Apps.
  1. If you're already in a Zoom meeting, you may have to leave your meeting, and restart the Zoom client to get the setting to take effect.
  2. You should now see the Apps button in the menu bar below:

Click on the "Apps" button, and you will see a window open up, attached to your Zoom client

4. Click on Discover tab to find "Funtivity"

5. Click on the button to install the Zoom App or just click on this link to do this directly: Install on Zoom. This will redirect you to the Zoom App Marketplace page where you will have to accept the Authorization request.

6. By accepting the authorization request, you’ll give permission for Hermis to access information about you and the meeting details. The permission page looks like this:

Type image caption here (optional)

7. After the authorization step, you’ll be redirected to open the native Zoom application on your computer. There, you should see a confirmation dialog that the application was installed correctly


8. That’t it! You’ve successfully installed the application. From the “Apps” menu, select “Funtivity” to get started.

Zapps Start 01

9. If there’s a active Zoom meeting, the Funtivity app will open up on the right side in the Zoom window and looks like the image below:


If there’s no active Zoom meeting, the Funtivity app will open within the Zoom client window and looks like the image below. You'll need to start a Zoom meeting to play and invite others to your Funtivity.

10. Let the fun begin!

Uninstalling Funtivity

It’s easy to uninstall Funtivity.

  1. Login to your Zoom Account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace
  2. Navigate to Manage → Installed Apps. You should see a screen like this:
  1. Click on “Uninstall”, and give the reason for uninstallation.

.. and you’re done! Thanks for using Funtivity by Hermis.

How to use Funtivity in Zoom

  1. Select an activity or pre-defined event agenda.
  2. Preview the activity or event and click on “Start Event” to initiate your Funtivity session.
  3. Review Instructions and click on “Continue”
  4. Start the Funtivity
  5. To end the activity and go back to the main menu, click on the red “End” button
  6. To close the entire Funtivity session for everyone, select 'End Funtivity Event'.

How to invite meeting participants

You can launch any activity and engage your team. With features like Breakout Rooms and Guest Mode, you can host a structured, fun virtual event for small groups or hundreds of team members at once.

Breakout Rooms

Currently, you can break your meeting participants up into teams to compete against each other when playing Escape Rooms. If you are hosting, you can assign users to teams (or click 'Auto-Assign' to randomly mix them up). People in a team automatically get moved to the breakout Rooms. Users get automatically moved back to the main room when the activity ends.

1. Trivia

2. Team Formation

3. Select attendees to form the team.

4. Breakout Room invite.

5. Join the Breakout Room.

6. Play Trivia.

Guest Mode

You can launch any activity and invite others to play with you. If your attendees don't have Funtivity installed, there is no problem. Your meeting participants can still participate in Funtivity without having to install the App.

1. Choose the activity you'd like to play.

2. Invite others using the paper airplane button near the top right corner (middle arrow pointing diagonally).

3. Invite All Participants or select the people you'd like to join in your activity.

4. Your meeting participants will need to join via the invitation popup on their screen.

5. Enjoy playing with the non signed in users.

Troubleshooting issues

While we’ve tested various scenarios to ensure you have a seamless experience, there may be some issues you may run into.  Please contact us for assistance. Here are some common scenarios that you may encounter:

  • Unable to install the Funtivity by Hermis application: During the installation step, please check if you have given all the required permissions when prompted.
  • The application does not load:  Please check internet connectivity. Visit to see if the page is loading on your system default browser. If that’s working but you’re still not able to see the Funtivity home page in Zoom, please contact us.
  • The event does not start: In some cases, it’s possible that the event does not start automatically. When that happens, you’ll see a screen like the one below. You will have to click on “Start Event” to start the event.
Screen Shot 2021-05-11 at 10.10.31 AM

Frequently asked questions

  1. Do I need an account to play activities? You don’t need a paid account to use the Funtivity app. However, please note that the Funtivity event can only be created within a meeting and shared with other meeting attendees.
  2. Can I create an event ahead of time? For the current version of the release, we only have the ability to create events during an active Zoom meeting. However, we soon plan to add capability where you can customize the event and plan for it ahead of time.
  3. Does it cost to use Funtivity? Accessing the Funtivity app is free. We have a sampling of free events and activities for you to choose from. In the future, we will be adding more premium events and activities. Additionally, you can personalize your experience with custom event and theme for a premium.
  4. How can I get engagement data? Engagement data is available for custom events or premium subscription account administrators. Please contact us for details.
  5. What about Security & Privacy? Funtivity by Hermis is committed to guarding your privacy and data security. Funtivity collects your personal information and the meeting details to help facilitate the activities played in the meeting. We do not share your information with third parties. Please see the details of Terms of Service here.