Customize to make it your own sanctuary

Hermis a platform designed to let you design your event to match the spirit of the celebration. From content of activities, to how the event is run, to how you hire an emcee to how you theme the venue, Hermis has support for every aspect of a well-run professional event for you.


Control the progression of the event with a well curated list of activities. Customize it to give it a the cheerful look that your event deserves.  During the event, the attendees get a chance to peek into the agenda and explore the details.  Your emcee and you know exactly how the event should proceed – no need for any surprises.  And there is no need to fumble in trying to get an activity set-up. With all the planning you have done, Hermis makes it easy to get a meticulous execution!

Customized Content

Make each activity be a reflection about you, your team and your company.

Want the teammates to better connect with each other?  Send a survey from within the platform asking your team bit about themselves, collect the responses and make a fun trivia game out of it.  Your teammates will thank you for it!

Or get a game of Corporate Bingo going with some internal project names and funny memes.Hermis allows you to show your creativity in the activities too!


Trying to organize an event for a festive occasion?  Or for a personal celebration?  Choose from an array of pre-defined themes for the event and make your event special.  Or you want it to look more like your company’s event?  No problem – create a custom theme that follows the company’s guidelines, and use it for your event.  Whatever your needs are, Hermis can make your event look professional.

Expore other features


With a plethora of activities to choose from, there is something for everyone in the horn of activities and any group can have a great team building experience.

Team-play Setup

Activities come with their own game play and the need to keep track of teams, turns, progress, scores, winners, leaderboards, audio/video controls, etc to augment the experience of the activities.